We want all the Penmarc Inspired Spaces network to feel the power of teamwork, and that starts with YOU. Whether you are working by yourself on a project or working with a partner, we are all a team working together to give our clients the best service possible!

Complete Cruxos Tasks On-Site and Over-Communicate
Working alone in the field means dealing with natural barriers to collaboration and communication. Your support system can better support your efforts and move towards solutions when you communicate clearly. That is why completing Cruxos tasks while on-site is vital. It allows us to quickly respond to your needs.

Hold Yourself Accountable
Take responsibility for your mistakes and look for solutions. Understand how your actions impact the entire group. In doing so, you will learn from your errors and earn more respect from your team.

Be Flexible
Each project can bring new challenges or changes in scope. Flexibility in your role allows you to learn more, please the customer, and complete the job successfully. Because of this, look at every opportunity as a chance to learn, grow, and provide great customer service.

Have A Positive Attitude
Maintaining a good attitude even during stressful times helps the customer, our client, and the rest of the Penmarc team. Take a deep breath when a challenge presents itself and look at the opportunity this challenge brings instead of the hardship it brings. Your positive outlook will not only create a better atmosphere, but also a sense of accomplishment and a healthier, more joyful mindset.

Commit To the Team
Your commitment to the team and its goals will make you a great team player. This sort of positivity can increase morale and productivity.
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